(2 customer reviews)

Ginger Powder-Natural-Pure-No Mixing-Som Sanjeevani Organic

  • Pure, Natural,Premium, Vegetarian & Chemical-Free: Indulge in nature’s best without compromise.Airtight Packaging:Our airtight zipper packs ensure that every herb retains its full freshness.Free Delivery in India


Ginger may have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.

  • Ginger has a very long history of use in various forms of traditional and alternative medicine. It’s been used to aid digestion, reduce nausea, and help fight common cold
  • Ginger is extremely effective at boosting your immune system and fighting bacterial infections
  • Ginger Powder may lowers cholesterol
  • पेट के लिएः अदरक चूर्ण का सेवन पेट संबंधी बीमारियों यानि गैस, अपच की समस्या में राहत दिला सकता है|
  • इम्यूनिटी के लिएः अदरक चूर्ण में एंटी इंफ्लेमेंटरी और एंटीबायोटिक तत्व पाए जाते हैं|

The content is purely educational and informative in nature . Please consult with a certified health care professional before use


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2 reviews for Ginger Powder-Natural-Pure-No Mixing-Som Sanjeevani Organic

  1. Dikhita

    Giger powder helps greatly in controlling coughing and in the monsoon season its regular use in warm milk helps alot. And because it thebpurity is assured i always buy from somsanjeevani.

  2. Ravindra Mishra

    Very nice Ginger Powder, this is natural without mixing other product. I am using this for tea and food… Thanks you SomSanjeevani for such a wonder full website.

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