- Bael Patra Powder is loaded with a lot of nutrients which include vitamins A, B1, B2, C and minerals calcium, potassium and iron.
- Bael or “Shivaduma ” also known as the tree of Lord Shiva is of sacred value in India
- There are many health benefits of bael leaves, it can treat tuberculosis, hepatitis, ulcer, and digestive problems.
- बेल के पाउडर में विटामिन ए, विटामिन बी, विटामिन सी, कैल्शियम और पोटैशियम अधिक मात्रा में होता है।
- The content is purely educational and informative in nature . Please consult with a certified health care professional before use
भगवान सिंह –
बहुत हि अच्छा प्रोडेक्ट हे ओर पुरा सुध हे फायदा भी मिला हे
priyanshu.singh20017 –
Highly recommended for its purity and effective digestive benefits.